Soundpalette - MiST

I stumbled across this spectacular track on a late night perusal of Soundcloud, as I tend to do.  I was was doing some reading as my stream continued through, but this track made me drop what I was doing and go back to see just what this was. MiST features some really interesting guitar work layered over some heavy percussion as the feature point of the track. Later introducing some chopped vocals, everything flows together really nicely in what results in a strangely electrifying but chilled out instrumental.  

MiST was released as part of Soundpalette's Sentience EP, released on Future Beat Records and available for purchase via their bandcamp page.  You can pick this up along with the rest of the EP for as little as £1 or more.

And in case you missed our previous post on Soundpalette and need a little more, we're revisiting this awesome free download from a little while back, Questions.  Make sure you head to Soundpalette's Soundcloud page for much more.

- KJ