Just Kiddin - Thinking About It (No Clue Remix)

I've been salivating over Just Kiddin's Thinking About It ever since #Unknown released it as an untitled track on their Soundcloud page back in the spring (though it no longer exists there - but I'm quite confident they posted it...) and even more so when it was revealed to be Just Kiddin through Eton Messy's release on youtube. In my opinion, the original still kills everything at anytime and was only officially released through Eton Messy in early December of 2014 (pick up the original here), but you can't beat a creative remix, especially as a free download. On this front, No Clue really shines through - this is one of my favourite remixes of this that I have heard. Check it out for yourself below, and grab the free download while it's fresh :)

Direct Link to Free Download

- KJ